Dear Candidate,
Welcome to the application process for the pilot position. We appreciate your interest in joining our team and look forward to learning more about your qualifications and experience.
Through this form, you will share essential information that will help us plan and execute the selection process.
Your attention to detail and thoroughness in providing the requested data will ensure a smooth and efficient evaluation.
Thank you for taking the time to complete this form, and we wish you the best of luck in the selection process.
Kind regards
Smartwings Team
Rules of processing personal data of job applicants and information for job applicants
Personal data are processed by Smartwings, a.s. (hereinafter referred to as “SW”), ID: 256 63 135, Praha
6, K Letišti 1068/30, 160 08, with respect to your interest in becoming a member of the SW team. The
purpose of processing your personal data is the recruitment of new employees for SW. You may contact SW
in the matter of your provided personal data in its registered office or via e-mail
The SW data protection officer can be contacted by email
For more
see here
Smartwings a.s. and its subsidiaries are committed to protecting your privacy and your Personal Data that you provide to us via this tool in accordance with the applicable laws. By sending your data and attachments you allow Smartwings to keep and process this material for a minimum of 3 years.
Type | Strongly prefer | Prefer | Neutral | Slightly prefer not | Strongly prefer not |
B737 | |||||
A220 | |||||
A320 |
Flight time Exclude SIM hours. If not relevant, just enter 0 |
Total | PIC |
All aircraft |
Flight time Exclude SIM hours. If not relevant, just enter 0 |
Total | PIC |
B737 NG/MAX/CL | ||
B737 NG | ||
B737 MAX | ||
B737 CL |
Flight time Exclude SIM hours. If not relevant, just enter 0 |
Total | PIC |
A220 |
Flight time Exclude SIM hours. If not relevant, just enter 0 |
Total | PIC |
A320 |
Flight time Exclude SIM hours. If not relevant, just enter 0 |
Total | PIC |
Flying times CS-25 (MTOW over 15t) |
Type of last route / area of operation | Yes / No | Date of last flight | |
Europe | Greece |
Canary Islands |
Other |
North America | Canada |
Other |
Central America | Mexico |
Caribbean |
Other |
South America |
North Africa |
Central & South Africa |
Near East |
Mid East |
Far East | India |
China |
Other |
Russia |
Qualifications | Yes / No |
LVO authorization by EU operator |
Ditching/Water survival |
CRM instructor |
FRM/SMS instructor |
Glass Cockpit |
FMS Experience |
Base | Strongly prefer | Prefer | Neutral | Slightly prefer not | Strongly prefer not |
PRG | |||||
BRQ | |||||
BTS | |||||
BUD | |||||
KTW | |||||
WAW | |||||
Thank you for your interest in joining our airline.
Your application has been submitted, and your information will be stored in our applicant database.
We will contact you via email with further details regarding the selection and screening process.
Best regards,
Smartwings Team
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Vaše Smartwings
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Smartwings, a.s.
se sídlem: K Letišti 1068/30, Praha 6, PSČ 160 08, zapsaná v obchodním rejstříku vedeném Městským soudem v Praze, oddíl B, vložka 5332,
IČO: 256 63 135